Activity Stream

  • Promit Dey

    Promit Dey posted a new update…

    Week 8 Journal

    This week we learned about both build and market feasibility of a medical device. In the lecture we learned about the barriers to developing and adapting technologies for global health purposes. We also looked at a diagram that described the feasibi...More

  • Zach Smith

    Zach Smith posted a new update…

    Week 8 Journal

    This week we learned about the market and build feasability of products and how to identify the level of each that a given product pretotype has based on a set basic questions. I enjoyed taking the pretotype for the medical device (in my case this w...More

  • Andreya Dart

    Andreya Dart posted a new update…

    Week 8 Journal

    This week I learned about the market and build feasibilities of different products. I focused in on the design I had used for week 6 to gain a better understanding. In my opinion, a lot of what market feasibility is is the perception of a product to...More

  • Promit Dey

    Promit Dey posted a new update…

    Week 7 Journal

    This week we learned about what makes good ideas stick and what makes good ideas stall. We learned about William Morton and his discovery and demonstration of anesthesia, and how it quickly spread throughout the medical community. This was an exampl...More

  • Andreya Dart

    Andreya Dart posted a new update…

    Week 7 Journal

    This week was really eye opening for me on how technology spreads. It is unbelievable to me that a product that can prevent so much pain and death would not catch on in the masses, especially a product that doesn't seem difficult to grasp. In the ex...More

  • Zach Smith

    Zach Smith posted a new update…

    Week 7 Journal

    This week, we read an article from the New Yorker about ideas that were slow to catch on, versus those that gained traction easily, and what the differences were between these two types of ideas. I learned that ideas are sometimes slow to be accepte...More

  • Promit Dey

    Promit Dey posted a new update…

    Week 6 Journal

    This week we learned about the term pretotyping and the process of pretotyping and prototyping an idea into a product. Before this week, I never even heard of the term pretotyping, but I understand it much better now. The video that we watched in th...More

  • Andreya Dart

    Andreya Dart posted a new update…

    Week 6 Journal

    This weeks lecture taught me a lot about the business model for a great idea. Sometimes, a great ideas isn't enough. As the video showed, the same idea will get more backers if the do group feedback sessions rather than individual meetings with poss...More

  • Zach Smith

    Zach Smith posted a new update…

    Week 6 Journal

    This week we learned about the concept of pretotyping and how it can be used to develop an early stage product or concept that can be improved upon with feedback from the users, once it has been given to them for testing. The pretotyping assignment...More

  • Andreya Dart

    Andreya Dart posted a new update…

    Week 5 Journal

    This week we delved into deeper meanings behind needs rather than just the physical beings we needed in last weeks paper. I re-watched all of the videos and tried to understand the emotional needs of the communities in the videos. For that you neede...More

  • Promit Dey

    Promit Dey posted a new update…

    Week 5 Journal

    This week we re-examined the Human-Centered Design approach and how to implement it in a real world setting. We learned about Ethnography, which is the study of humans in their natural habitat, and how it relates to observing needs. Ethnography is u...More

  • Zach Smith

    Zach Smith posted a new update…

    Week 5 Journal

    This week I learned how to use the HCD framework to analyze the needs of a person or organization, and provide insight about how and why they would have those needs. It was actually pretty fun creating anecdotes about made-up people (who were of cou...More

  • Andreya Dart

    Andreya Dart posted a new update…

    Week 4 Journal

    This week we saw video comparisons between clinics and hospitals in West Africa and the United States. It was unbelievable the disparity of the hospitals in West Africa. The first clinic, had basically no medical equipment, other than tools to take...More

  • Promit Dey

    Promit Dey posted a new update…

    Week 4 Journal

    This week I learned about human-centered design and its application to medical technology. Human-centered design is basically an approach to design that focuses on understanding needs and finding solutions for those needs. Those solutions also need...More

  • Zach Smith

    Zach Smith posted a new update…

    Week 4 Journal

    This week was especially interesting, because I learned a lot about the actual differences in the medical technology between clinics in Africa and in the United States. Watching the videos really made me realize how much we as Americans take for gra...More