Zach Smith’s Updates

Week 6 Journal

This week we learned about the concept of pretotyping and how it can be used to develop an early stage product or concept that can be improved upon with feedback from the users, once it has been given to them for testing. The pretotyping assignment was very informative, as I not only got to this critically about how I would create a pretotype of a certain medical device, but in doing this I had to peruse the Compendium that was linked to us, and I got to read up about a bunch of medical devices and techniques that are being used in less fortunate countries. It was an interesting to think about how the product that I was pretotyping needed to be designed differently for poorer countries. For example, in my magnetic prosthetic suspension system pretotype, I wanted to implement an app that controlled the On/Off functionality of the magnetic suspension. However, I realized that the majority of the population in a third-world country do not have mobile devices, something we take for granted here, and so I had to modify the design of my pretotype to also have a built-in switch. It has been really cool learning new skills every week that will help me to complete the final project and develop a possible health solution that can be used to help those that are less fortunate. Overall, this week was very enjoyable, and I feel like I am truly learning real-life-applicable skills.