Zach Smith’s Updates

Week 8 Journal

This week we learned about the market and build feasability of products and how to identify the level of each that a given product pretotype has based on a set basic questions. I enjoyed taking the pretotype for the medical device (in my case this was the magnetic suspension system for prosthetic limbs) that we had created during week 6, and really thinking about whether or not it was feasable for Sierra Leone. In doing so, I found myself mentally modifying the design of my pretotype in order to make it a more realistic product to develop and distribute. I am disappointed that this is going to be my last week in this class, and my last journal, as I have enjoyed this class and the interesting side of creativity that it has brought out of me. I have to admit that I have never really put as much thought into helping people in third-world countries previously as I have during my time in this course, and my experience with the assignments that we have completed throughout these 8 weeks have inspired me to continue thinking about the needs of other people who are less fortunate and in what ways I can help them, whether by donating money and/or time, or possibly even creating and developing products to match their needs. Overall, I believe that this course has made me more conscious of the needs of others, and thus, has provided me with tools to be a better engineer.