Andreya Dart’s Updates

Week 7 Journal

This week was really eye opening for me on how technology spreads. It is unbelievable to me that a product that can prevent so much pain and death would not catch on in the masses, especially a product that doesn't seem difficult to grasp. In the example, anesthesia was the product that caught on, and antisepsis did not, which is weird for me to understand because antisepsis seems easier to administer over anesthesia. Anesthesia requires specific medical professionals, while antisepsis simpy requires proper sanitation. It really goes to show that people will gravitate towards sucess, or improvement that they can instantly see, rather than the overall effect of a product or procedure. It was interesting as well that human connection really affects whether or not people will adopt an idea. In the BetterBirth scenario, the connection between the two nurses is what made one of them change their ways and adopt to the procedure. It had been in place a long time before that, but the nurse would just make excusses to why not to do it. Once she made a positive connection with someone who was promoting the procedure, her ways began to change and she ended up seeing the hassle of change in a positive light.