Andreya Dart’s Updates

Week 5 Journal

This week we delved into deeper meanings behind needs rather than just the physical beings we needed in last weeks paper. I re-watched all of the videos and tried to understand the emotional needs of the communities in the videos. For that you needed to understand the need for the physical need. Why do the patients need this equipment? And what effect does it have on the people around them? Why are the people in the videos doing what they are doing? I found that the one that spoke the most to me was the mothers in the Sierra Leone clinic. They had the need to feel that their children were going to be safe and healthy. That's why they walked miles to the clinic to engage in a welcoming dance and run tests on their children. They just want to make sure they'll be okay. It is amazing how similar that it for the parent at the developed Carle clinic. Where most of the high end technology is aimed towards children, whether it be Accuvain or the neo-natal unit with tablets. Children are a big part of where we spend our money. The Sierra Leone mothers want to feel like their children are safe while the Champaign mothers want to feel like their children are suffering as little as possible.