Tim Sheehan’s Updates

Week 4 Journal

I found the content of this weeks lecture to be very interesting. Setting up the framework for good design is essential in developing practical solutions to the problems the world faces.

I felt that Hear, Create, Deliver (HCD) was the most important takeaway from the material of the week. Personally, I'm under the impressions that solutions are sometimes considered without letting the people who it will affect have a large say. This guarantees an ineffective solution that could have been avoided so long as people just talked with the community first. Hear, the first component of human centered design, stresses that needs must be analyzed thoroughly through the community. That means going out and talking to people. As noted, empathy is vital in making sure the community understands your intentions and to get them to work with you. 

One innovation I loved hearing about was the Red Cross Blood Donor system. It was an indirect solution to increase blood donation count. The problem was simple, people needed more blood. I appreciated the approach to the problem through an emotional perspective. By making the experience more emotional and helping donors understand just how important their donation is, more donors will show up to aid the cause. This example reminded me that solutions don't have to always come in the form of some new device.