Tim Sheehan’s Updates

Week 8 Journal

If you want to make a difference, you have to understand a lot about what you are trying to do. And even if you had a large surplus of cash lying around, you still can't just throw it at a situation as complicated as, say, West Africa and think it will solve all their problems. Trying to make an impact in a country that bears more than their fair share of suffering requires planning and a whole lot of people willing to execute on that plan. 

According to World Bank, Sierra Leone is ranked 147 out of 189 countries in terms of how business friendly they are. It's a country that relies mostly on mining exports to keep itself afloat. What I'm trying to get at here is that local production for whatever devices we've come up with would have been difficult, making the cost of helping this country out even greater.

If we were to attempt to execute our ideas in the real world, the logistics behind everything would be daunting. It's not to say it's impossible, but what I've learned over the duration of this class is that I now have a greater respect for the people and charities that are trying to make a difference in places such as Sierra Leone.