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Week 4 Journal

This week we saw video comparisons between clinics and hospitals in West Africa and the United States. It was unbelievable the disparity of the hospitals in West Africa. The first clinic, had basically no medical equipment, other than tools to take blood samples from the patients. The emergency hospital had more medical equipment, but it didn't compare to even the worst hospital in the United States. In the emergency hospital video, the woman was elated about having lights above the patient stretchers, so that they can see better into the body if performing a surgery.In the US, that's expected. I did not even realize how important simple lighting can be to an underdeveloped country. And their three big pieces of medical equipment are common to our country. It is really depressing how much of a difference in life these people have from us. Especially when hearing that most people have to walk to clinics and hospitals to receive treatment. I can't imagine being sick or pregnant and have to walk hours to get sub par medical treatment. Then watching the video of Carle almost makes you feel bad for having more resources. We have items that aren't necessary, just helpful. The vein monitor is helpful for small children, but we don't actually need that. A lot of what hospitals in the US have are not actually a necessity, not the difference between life and death.