Andreya Dart’s Updates

Week 6 Journal

This weeks lecture taught me a lot about the business model for a great idea. Sometimes, a great ideas isn't enough. As the video showed, the same idea will get more backers if the do group feedback sessions rather than individual meetings with possible donators. It is optimal to get a lot of ideas during pretotyping, then if you use any of the donators feedback, it will make them more inclined to invest in your product. Reading through the WHO list of prototypes showed me how many amazing ideas are out there, and just aren't gaining enough attention to both help people and/or be profitable. Also, coming up with a pretotype model for people to use and give feedback on is diffucult for a lot of different scenarios. If you have money to spend, it can be easy. But without a large stipend to spend, creating more of the technological items can be difficult, especially if you want your audience to be able to have a similar experience with the pretotype as compared to the real device. That's why I chose to pretotype a less technical product, the infant warmer, which is a simple idea that can be modeled through cheaper means.