Zach Smith’s Updates

Week 4 Journal

This week was especially interesting, because I learned a lot about the actual differences in the medical technology between clinics in Africa and in the United States. Watching the videos really made me realize how much we as Americans take for granted in terms of our healthcare, and general quality of care at hospitals and clinics. The technology we have in the United States makes for quick and efficient treatment in so many ways, however, the African clinics make do with much much less than what we have here. As a result, certain aspects of their treatment are less efficient (as a lack of technology will obviously lead to), but they do things such as sing songs with patients, and there is much more personal interaction due to the lack of medical devices and technology. As a result of this, the patients in the African clinics seemed to be enjoying their experience more, and were able to relate more with the doctors than their US counterparts.

Writing the assignment this week really made me think and analyze the influence that technology has on medicine and healthcare, and along the way, I realized that although I cannot imagine not having access to the medical devices that we have in the United States, our clinics could still benefit from taking a look at the interpersonal communication techniques of the less-affluent clinics. Medical care should be about not only being effective, but about being kind and treating people's emotions as well as their physical ailments.