Promit Dey’s Updates

Week 6 Journal

This week we learned about the term pretotyping and the process of pretotyping and prototyping an idea into a product. Before this week, I never even heard of the term pretotyping, but I understand it much better now. The video that we watched in the lecture was also really interesting in how groups of people were able to come up with business ideas and pretotype them in just 60 minutes. However, I felt the idea of having to come up with a business idea in 60 minutes seemed really forced, I for one would not enjoy being put under that pressure.

The video also gave an example of pretotyping an idea and rapidly changing the idea during the process. The idea started off by talking to a carpenter about starting a class to teach basic carpentry to young men. The group then spoke to young men in the area who expressed interest in learning how to fix cars and motorcycles. The group then spoke to a local mechanic about starting a class, who said he doesn’t have any spare cars to teach on, so the group then went and spoke to local people with broken cars in their yards. In the span of a day an idea for a carpenter to teach a class transformed into a business model for a mechanic to teach a class by fixing up people’s already broken cars.