Promit Dey’s Updates

Week 7 Journal

This week we learned about what makes good ideas stick and what makes good ideas stall. We learned about William Morton and his discovery and demonstration of anesthesia, and how it quickly spread throughout the medical community. This was an example of a good idea that spread quickly. The next example we learned about was a good idea that took many decades to take a hold. The idea was from Joseph Lister and entailed using carbolic acid to disinfect hands, wounds, and medical instruments. The idea took a long time to spread, mainly because the carbolic acid didn’t demonstrate an immediate observable effect.

We also had to read an article this week from The New Yorker that was really interesting. It covered a variety of ideas that took, or is taking, a long time to take hold. It was particularly interesting reading about Bangladesh because my mom is from there. I was surprised to read that the government took the time and effort to go door to door in villages and teach the villagers about the new and simple way to combat dehydration caused by diarrhea. It was also interesting to read about the hospital in Utter Pradesh, India because I visited parts of that region over this past winter break. It was nice to read that the nurse from the article changed her ways and adopted the proper procedures for birth and care for the baby.