Activity Stream

  • Nicole Korp

    Nicole Korp posted a new update…

    Week 8 Journal

    The focus of lecture this week was further analyzing the practicality of implementing a medical device in low-resource settings by performing build and market feasibility analysis. The lecture also focused on the WHO Landscape Analysis and what fact...More

  • Promit Dey

    Promit Dey posted a new update…

    Week 8 Journal

    This week we learned about both build and market feasibility of a medical device. In the lecture we learned about the barriers to developing and adapting technologies for global health purposes. We also looked at a diagram that described the feasibi...More

  • Tim Sheehan

    Tim Sheehan posted a new update…

    Week 8 Journal

    If you want to make a difference, you have to understand a lot about what you are trying to do. And even if you had a large surplus of cash lying around, you still can't just throw it at a situation as complicated as, say, West Africa and think it w...More

  • Andreya Dart

    Andreya Dart posted a new update…

    Week 8 Journal

    This week I learned about the market and build feasibilities of different products. I focused in on the design I had used for week 6 to gain a better understanding. In my opinion, a lot of what market feasibility is is the perception of a product to...More

  • Promit Dey

    Promit Dey posted a new update…

    Week 7 Journal

    This week we learned about what makes good ideas stick and what makes good ideas stall. We learned about William Morton and his discovery and demonstration of anesthesia, and how it quickly spread throughout the medical community. This was an exampl...More

  • Andreya Dart

    Andreya Dart posted a new update…

    Week 7 Journal

    This week was really eye opening for me on how technology spreads. It is unbelievable to me that a product that can prevent so much pain and death would not catch on in the masses, especially a product that doesn't seem difficult to grasp. In the ex...More

  • Nicole Korp

    Nicole Korp posted a new update…

    Week 7 Journal

    The focus of lecture this week was determining what makes an idea or innovation take root in society easily while other ideas struggle to be accepted. I found it interesting that the main determinant of whether or not an innovation is accepted is no...More

  • Tim Sheehan

    Tim Sheehan posted a new update…

    Week 7 Journal

    This week made me realize that people love ignoring pressing issues. "Ignorance is bliss" is and probably always will be a main characteristic of the general public. Like The New Yorker article said, problems with tangible, immediate, outcomes are m...More

  • Promit Dey

    Promit Dey posted a new update…

    Week 6 Journal

    This week we learned about the term pretotyping and the process of pretotyping and prototyping an idea into a product. Before this week, I never even heard of the term pretotyping, but I understand it much better now. The video that we watched in th...More

  • Nicole Korp

    Nicole Korp posted a new update…

    Week 6 Journal

        The focus of lecture this week was “pretotyping.” Pretotyping is a unique way to externalize internal thinking and quickly evaluate the conceivability and success of a potential device. I really enjoyed the TED talk about rapid prototyping. I th...More

  • Andreya Dart

    Andreya Dart posted a new update…

    Week 6 Journal

    This weeks lecture taught me a lot about the business model for a great idea. Sometimes, a great ideas isn't enough. As the video showed, the same idea will get more backers if the do group feedback sessions rather than individual meetings with poss...More

  • Tim Sheehan

    Tim Sheehan posted a new update…

    Week 6 Journal

    I thought the lecture for this week was great. More specifically, the TED talk video that was included in the lecture really opened my eyes to the benefits of rapid development and iteration in human centered design. In essense, what I got from the...More

  • Andreya Dart

    Andreya Dart posted a new update…

    Week 5 Journal

    This week we delved into deeper meanings behind needs rather than just the physical beings we needed in last weeks paper. I re-watched all of the videos and tried to understand the emotional needs of the communities in the videos. For that you neede...More

  • Nicole Korp

    Nicole Korp posted a new update…

    Week 5 Journal

    The focus of lecture this week was using an empathetic approach to identify and solve problems in healthcare. By thinking of the individual feelings and experiences of people in the public health system, engineers and public health officials can bet...More

  • Tim Sheehan

    Tim Sheehan posted a new update…

    Week 5 Journal

    This week, we went back and once again looked at Human Centered Design. We learned about the study of humans, ethnography. Taking a critical scientific perspective at humans, while at the same time maintaining an empathic connection with the people...More