Zach Smith’s Updates

Week 3 Journal

This week we learned about the importance and availability of medical devices both in the US and in third-world countries such as Africa. It was really interesting to learn how much more is spent on the average operating room in the United States versus a third-world country. I had a fun time actually analyzing the medical devices that were described in the youtube video and reading the updates and replies of my peers on the same topic. It was really cool to see how and why people had differing opinions on which medical device was more crucial to helping humanity have a better quality of life. Further, I learned that the definition of what a medical device can be is much, much broader than I had originally thought, with things as commonplace as glasses and mosquito nets (although what is "commonplace" here may or may not be very common in a poorer country), are considered medical devices. When I really thought about how much some people have to depend on things like glasses to improve some seemingly small but vital aspect of their life, such as being able to see, it really opened my eyes (no pun intended) to how many things we take advantage of here in the United States. Being unable to see would be horrible, and with such a simple fix, it must be very difficult to live in a country like Africa and be unable to have cheap, easy access to medical devices that can easily and greatly improve one's quality of life.