Activity Stream

  • Kara Leslie

    Kara Leslie posted a new update…

    Week 8 Journal

    In this week’s lecture we approached one of the final steps of the design process: determining build and market feasibility of a product. Determining these feasibilities is critical for estimating the success of a product. If, for example, research...More

  • Zach Smith

    Zach Smith posted a new update…

    Week 8 Journal

    This week we learned about the market and build feasability of products and how to identify the level of each that a given product pretotype has based on a set basic questions. I enjoyed taking the pretotype for the medical device (in my case this w...More

  • Kara Leslie

    Kara Leslie posted a new update…

    Week 7 Journal

    In this week’s lectures we learned about a few different inventions and innovations that revolutionized medicine and healthcare. In learning about these inventions, we also learned that some were adopted much more rapidly than others and it was inte...More

  • Zach Smith

    Zach Smith posted a new update…

    Week 7 Journal

    This week, we read an article from the New Yorker about ideas that were slow to catch on, versus those that gained traction easily, and what the differences were between these two types of ideas. I learned that ideas are sometimes slow to be accepte...More

  • Kara Leslie

    Kara Leslie posted a new update…

    Week 6 Journal

    During this week’s lectures we moved forward into the next step of the design process to pretotyping. Pretotyping provides a very rudimentary and simple display of a design idea. Pretotypes can be created using any common household items put togethe...More

  • Zach Smith

    Zach Smith posted a new update…

    Week 6 Journal

    This week we learned about the concept of pretotyping and how it can be used to develop an early stage product or concept that can be improved upon with feedback from the users, once it has been given to them for testing. The pretotyping assignment...More

  • Kara Leslie

    Kara Leslie posted a new update…

    Week 5 Journal

    During this week of lectures and discussion we were able to expand on what we covered last week and look at the material from a new perspective. Instead of focusing on the needs statements from a critical point of view, we were asked to take the mor...More

  • Zach Smith

    Zach Smith posted a new update…

    Week 5 Journal

    This week I learned how to use the HCD framework to analyze the needs of a person or organization, and provide insight about how and why they would have those needs. It was actually pretty fun creating anecdotes about made-up people (who were of cou...More

  • Kara Leslie

    Kara Leslie posted a new update…

    Week 4 Journal

    This week we focused on human-centered design in lectures and became familiar with this sort of design process. Several ground-breaking inventions and innovations were highlighted that were conceived using the human-centered design process. It was s...More

  • Zach Smith

    Zach Smith posted a new update…

    Week 4 Journal

    This week was especially interesting, because I learned a lot about the actual differences in the medical technology between clinics in Africa and in the United States. Watching the videos really made me realize how much we as Americans take for gra...More

  • Kara Leslie

    Kara Leslie posted a new update…

    Week 3 Journal

    This was another week full of eye-opening information and discussions on the practicality of various medical devices for use in areas such as West Africa

    The week began with a lecture investigating hospitals and different standards of physician he...More

  • Zach Smith

    Zach Smith posted a new update…

    Week 3 Journal

    This week we learned about the importance and availability of medical devices both in the US and in third-world countries such as Africa. It was really interesting to learn how much more is spent on the average operating room in the United States ve...More

  • Kara Leslie

    Kara Leslie posted a new update…

    Week 2 Journal

    This week we turned to the World Health Organization’s general statistics on mortality and life in Sierra Leone and the United States and compared the numbers between the two countries. In comparing these two, we asked what factors could be at play...More

  • Zach Smith

    Zach Smith posted a new update…

    Week 2 Journal

    This week, I learned about health in West Africa, specifically, the lack of medical resources that many areas face throughout West Africa. While it did make me happy to learn that in general, there is a positive trend in the improvement of the state...More

  • Kara Leslie

    Kara Leslie posted a new update…

    Week 1 Journal

    I have really enjoyed this first week of ENG 298. I had a great time reading my classmate’s introductions and getting to know all of them! After a full week of using Scholar I think I am starting to get the hang of it and really like the format of t...More