Nicole Korp’s Updates

  • Week 8 Journal

    The focus of lecture this week was further analyzing the practicality of implementing a medical device in low-resource settings by performing build and market feasibility analysis. The lecture also focused on the WHO Landscape Analysis and what fact...More

  • Week 7 Journal

    The focus of lecture this week was determining what makes an idea or innovation take root in society easily while other ideas struggle to be accepted. I found it interesting that the main determinant of whether or not an innovation is accepted is no...More

  • Week 6 Journal

        The focus of lecture this week was “pretotyping.” Pretotyping is a unique way to externalize internal thinking and quickly evaluate the conceivability and success of a potential device. I really enjoyed the TED talk about rapid prototyping. I th...More

  • Week 5 Journal

    The focus of lecture this week was using an empathetic approach to identify and solve problems in healthcare. By thinking of the individual feelings and experiences of people in the public health system, engineers and public health officials can bet...More

  • Week 4 Journal

        The focus of lecture this week was the human-centered design approach to identifying needs in a situation and eventually developing solutions to those needs. I think the HCD approach is a very practical and efficient way to accurately assess a s...More

  • Week 3 Journal

    The focus of lecture this week was the relationship between healthcare and economics, specifically focusing on the WHO healthcare technology assessment (HTA). This assessment polled many countries on what qualities in vaccines, medical devices, surg...More

  • Week 2 Journal

        The focus of lecture this week was the state of healthcare in West African countries compared to the United States. The lecture also identified the ways in which government agencies such as the CDC and WHO measure and encourage progress in healt...More

  • Week 1 Journal

    During the first week of class, I have become more familiar with Scholar and the format of the online lectures and discussions. The lectures introduced the idea that communicability is a broad term that can be applied to many conditions outside the...More