Kara Leslie’s Updates

Week 1 Journal

I have really enjoyed this first week of ENG 298. I had a great time reading my classmate’s introductions and getting to know all of them! After a full week of using Scholar I think I am starting to get the hang of it and really like the format of the platform. It’s great being able to easily access things my fellow classmates have posted and stay connected to them all.

I thought this week’s lecture was a great introduction to the course and gave a good sample of what the semester will be like. This week’s discussion on the communicability of things other than disease was very eye-opening. It made me realize that I have had a misunderstanding of the term communicable my whole life. It had never crossed my mind that things such as lifestyle choices and eating habits could be as contagious as an illness like the flu.

With my initial post I said that all things except for automobile related issues were were communicable. In reading my classmate’s posts I realized that automobile related issues could in some instances be seen as communicable. A peer commented on my post suggesting an alternative definition for automobile related issues that would make the issues more likely to be communicable. Learning from this, in subsequent weekly discussions I will work harder to fully understand the prompt and any chance there might be multiple answer possibilities. I’m looking forward to increasing my understanding of global health while getting to read the various viewpoints and opinions of my fellow classmates!