Activity Stream

  • Imahni Carrington

    Imahni Carrington has one new peer:

  • Jacob Barriga

    Jacob Barriga posted a new update…

    Give me Liberty or Dive me Death Rhetoric Response

    Patrcick Henry made his his speech adressing then problems with Britian. He used rehotic phrases to enhance his speech by adressing problems hoe Britain is using them like slaves, when he said, " They are sent over to bind and rivet upon us those ch...More

  • Imahni Carrington

    Imahni Carrington has one new peer:

  • Cielo Contreras

    Cielo Contreras posted a new update…

    "Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death"

    In Patrick Henry's resolution following give me liberty or give me death he expresses the eagerness of the colonists including Mr. Herny himself, to be rid from the british control and how they have been impacted by their control. Mr. Henry writes,...More

  • Imahni Carrington

    Imahni Carrington has one new peer:

  • Cielo Contreras

    Cielo Contreras two new peers:

  • Imahni Carrington

    Imahni Carrington has one new peer:

  • Jacob Barriga

    Jacob Barriga three new peers:

  • Imahni Carrington

    Imahni Carrington posted a new update…

    Rhetoric of Olive Branch Petition

    In the document of the Olive Branch Petition, the arthor used rhetoric by being respectful in telling their greivances to the king. During this phase of the rebellion, they were still trying to be loyal to the Britsh Crown. They explained how they d...More

  • Stephanie Lopez

    Stephanie Lopez posted a new update…

    Olive Branch Petition

    Thomas Jefferson, John Dickinson, and the second Continental Congress made the Olive Branch Petition to technically show how Britain was treating the colonies and that they do not want to cause any trouble. If britain decides to continues to oppose...More

  • Imahni Carrington

    Imahni Carrington has one new peer:

  • JacobShoemaker

    Jacob Shoemaker commented on The Tea Act...

    @Jenni what does "equal" taxation look like? In our society now, taxation is tiered based on income. Is this fair? Is this equal? Is there a difference?

  • Stephanie Lopez

    Stephanie Lopez two new peers:

  • Cielo Contreras

    Cielo Contreras posted a new update…

    The Olive Branch Petition

    The Olive Branch's purpose was a letter written to King George III, to establish the rights of the colonists , but still keeping a professional relationship with Britain. When the letter was given to King George III on , he neglected that letter and...More

  • CieloContreras

    Cielo Contreras commented on their update Synthesize for the Causes of the Revolutionary War ...

    It would let the people elect representatives to narrate their overall wishes and improvements that the community has