Jada Riley’s Updates

  • Common Sense (rhetoric)

    In these Common Sense excepts from the pamphlets, I sensed a lot of ethos(credibility) and logos(logic). Knowing that the pamphlet itself is made by a famous philosopher and writer is ethos in itself. He uses phrases and knowledge that he expects yo...More

  • Common sense update

    The issue that the common sense was trying to bring the American peoples attention to was the English constitution. Many people during that time period wanted to blame the paraliament and particular ministers. But the common sense promoted the peopl...More

  • Upddate cause of revolutionary war (Proclamation of 1763)

    The London government made a proclamation in order to maintain peace between the indians and the colonists. The proclamation said that colonial settlement in the West Appalichain Mountains was unacceptable and that how it would only be reserved for...More