Erin Gray’s Updates

  • Response to Give me Liberty

    The Author uses rhetoric, to basically force the reader to agree with the statements. In "Give me liberty..." he asks a lot of rhetorical questions, pertaining to what they should do in reguards to the king. Some of the questions he asks are, "Are f...More

  • Common Sense

    Common sense was written in order to convey that there was a diar need to seperate from British control. It was made in order to depict why seperation, and anexation was the only option in order to live life comfortably. Similarly though in the Oliv...More

  • Cause of Revolutionary War

    A main cause of the Revolutionary war was the taxation on tea, known as the tea act. This was a main cause because after the frustration, turned into action with the Boston Tea Party, the demands, of no tax, were not met. Intead the people were forc...More