Cielo Contreras’s Updates

  • "Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death"

    In Patrick Henry's resolution following give me liberty or give me death he expresses the eagerness of the colonists including Mr. Herny himself, to be rid from the british control and how they have been impacted by their control. Mr. Henry writes,...More

  • The Olive Branch Petition

    The Olive Branch's purpose was a letter written to King George III, to establish the rights of the colonists , but still keeping a professional relationship with Britain. When the letter was given to King George III on , he neglected that letter and...More

  • Synthesize for the Causes of the Revolutionary War

    Tofay I am going to talk about the Stamp Act. In the 1750's Parliament wanted to get money directly from (the peoples) taxes for British troups to be sationed. This act would help finance operations of the empire, and raise money from direct taxes. ...More