Learning, Knowledge and Human Development MOOC’s Updates

  • Ways in which educational psychology helps us understand learning processes

    Educational psychology aids in comprehending learning processes by revealing how individuals acquire, process, and retain knowledge, as illustrated by George Reese's "productive struggle" analysis

    Educational psychology offers a comprehensive fram...More

  • Discussion Forum: Essential Update #4 - June 27, 2024: “Productive Struggle” through the Lens of Educational Psychology: Application in a Chemistry Class

    Option #1:

    Introduction: Educational Psychology

    Not only does educational psychology give us insights about the process of learning through concepts like classical conditioning, biological cognitive readiness, socio-emotional effects but also the .....More

  • Discussion Forum: Essential Update #3 - June 26, 2024: The Social Cause and Impact of Anxiety on Learning in Higher Education

    Option #1:

    While Behaviourists and Social Cognitivists have always been vocal about the contingent affordances provided by one’s social environment through interactions with and observations of others around an individual and its importance in the...More

  • Discussion Forum: Essential Update #2 - June 21, 2024: Understanding “Social Mind” through Examples of Individual Skill Development in Different Social Situations

    Option #2:

    The concept of “social mind” advanced by social cognitivists like James Paul Gee, Jean Lave, Etienne Wenger and Lev Vygotsky treats the individual human mind – with all its biological (“natural”) cognitive affordances – as a (“nurtured”)...More

  • Educational Psychology: Attaining Productive Struggle in learning

    Educational Psychology is a branch of Psychology that deals with human development and learning processes. Learning is supposed to be a process that stimulates and activates the learner's mind. This is where the Productive Struggle comes into play...More

  • The Effects of Social and Emotional Conditions in Learning

    The Social and Emotional conditions of a learner in learning cannot be overemphasised as it determines to a large extent whether learning goals and objectives are achieved. As we have learnt in previous classes the social mind of a learner helps the...More

  • The Social Mind and Learning

    James Paul Gee spoke about the Social Mind as being the actual mind we have. No one has a mind that exists just as a mind on its own, whatever the mind is made of is as such as the social environment has made it. The nature of the mind as it develop...More

  • El Rol Vital de la Psicología Educativa en la Comprensión y Mejora del Aprendizaje

    La psicología educativa desempeña un papel fundamental en la comprensión de los procesos de aprendizaje al proporcionar insights sobre cómo los estudiantes adquieren, procesan y retienen la información. Una de las contribuciones más importantes de l...More

  • Fomentando el Éxito Estudiantil y el Desarrollo Personal

    El ejemplo ofrecido por Denice Hood sobre la aplicación de la psicología educativa al asesoramiento en la universidad es muy relevante y muestra cómo esta disciplina puede tener un impacto significativo en el bienestar y el éxito académico de los es...More

  • Discussion Form: Essential Update #1 - June 06, 2024: Surveying an Intelligence Test Designed for Self-Assessment

    Behaviourism is an empiricist psychological lens propagated by scholars like Ivan Pavlov, John B Watson and B. F. Skinner, who shifted the focus from internal states and non-observable notions like free will to the observable behaviours of individua...More