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Discussion Forum: Essential Update #4 - June 27, 2024: “Productive Struggle” through the Lens of Educational Psychology: Application in a Chemistry Class

Option #1:

Introduction: Educational Psychology

Not only does educational psychology give us insights about the process of learning through concepts like classical conditioning, biological cognitive readiness, socio-emotional effects but also the dynamics of learning.

Educational Psychology

Through such a dynamic view of learning, it foregrounds learning as an active process that evolves over time instead of a static and passive means of imbibement where cognitive processes (e.g., attention, memory, reasoning), emotional states (e.g., motivation, anxiety, interest), social interactions (e.g., peer learning, teacher-student realtionships), and environmental influences (e.g., classroom setting, cultural context) play an important role.

Learning, thus, goes through stages of initial struggle, breakthroughs, consolidation, and application. In such a scenario, learning is not restricted by the curriculum assigned for a particular grade, to the binds of a discipline (e.g. learning a mathematical concept can be aided by computer programming tools – as we saw in George Reese’s discussion – despite Maths and Computer classes being held in separate periods). Such a process of learning keeps the students engaged enough to continue learning a topic beyond the period bell and the confines of the school premises.

Exploring “Productive Struggle” through Educational Psychology

The one key component of dynamic learning is productive struggle discussed by George Reese. Informed by Lev Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development and Scaffolding (Billings and Walqui), productive struggle ensures that learning always takes place in the space between what a learner can do without assistance and what they can do with minimal adult guidance or collaboration with their peers. Learning thus reframed as an end attained through the means of problem solving keeps the learners excited by breaking down knowledge into smaller digestible parts. The tasks are challenging but impossible; rather they are achievable with effort.

Under the auspices of productive struggle, mistakes are no longer sources of shame but a possibility cancelled out – a learning opportunity. This helps in instilling persistence and attention in the students – both of which is part of positive student development as discussed by Denice Hood.

Educational psychology offers valuable insights into the concept of productive struggle and its role in learning as follows:

1. Cognitive load theory: This theory, developed by John Sweller, explains how our working memory processes information. Educational psychology shows that productive struggle occurs when a task is challenging enough to engage higher-order thinking but not so difficult that it overwhelms cognitive resources. This sweet spot of difficulty encourages learners to construct new knowledge schemas, enhancing their understanding and problem-solving abilities.
2. Growth mindset: Carol Dweck's research on mindset has significant implications for productive struggle. Students with a growth mindset believe that abilities can be developed through effort and learning. This perspective helps them view struggles as opportunities for growth rather than indications of fixed limitations. Educational psychology demonstrates that fostering a growth mindset can lead to increased persistence in the face of challenges and better overall learning outcomes.
3. Metacognition: Productive struggle promotes metacognitive skills - the ability to think about one's own thinking processes. When students grapple with challenging concepts, they're forced to reflect on their understanding, identify gaps in their knowledge, and develop strategies to overcome obstacles. This self-awareness and self-regulation are crucial for deep learning and transfer of knowledge to new situations.
4. Motivation: Self-determination theory, a key concept in educational psychology, suggests that feeling competent and autonomous are fundamental psychological needs. Productive struggle, when appropriately scaffolded, can fulfill these needs. As students overcome challenges, they experience a sense of accomplishment that boosts their intrinsic motivation and self-efficacy, encouraging them to take on further challenges.
5. Long-term retention: The concept of desirable difficulties, introduced by Robert Bjork, suggests that introducing certain difficulties in learning can enhance long-term retention and transfer. Productive struggle creates these desirable difficulties, leading to more durable and flexible learning. This is related to the testing effect and spaced repetition, where effortful retrieval of information strengthens memory.

Application of Productive Struggle in a Chemistry Class

Let’s take the example of a Chemistry class where students are being introduced to the concept of atomic structures that, scholars have noted, is a topic students learn effectively through productive struggle (Yuriev et al. 2017). One only needs to take some time to jug one’s mind to remember how very unusual the idea was: this rectangular copy that I am writing on and the cylindrical pen I am using are all comprised of atoms? In fact, these atoms are all around floating about in our classroom and in fact doing all sorts of funny things inside our own bodies!

Productive Struggle comes quite handy in gradually exposing students to such an alien idea. For one, visual representation could be used wherein the teacher may draw simple diagrams on the board to explain, say, the basic Bohr mode. Thereafter, she might move on to drawing the electron cloud model which will make students grapple with reconciling these two different visual models.

Simultaneously, the teacher would be referring to parts of the model as “centre of the atom” or “nucleus containing protons and neutrons” wherein the students will have to struggle with connecting these verbal representations to the visual representations on the board, often resulting in metacognition or self-reflection on one’s learning process.

The teacher may thereafter bring out 3D ball and stick models where students would be encouraged to have a hands-on physical experience of constructing the atomic structure themselves, perhaps in groups to encourage a sense of collaboration.

Such progressive learning steps help the students develop abstract notions of the atomic structure based on the concrete experiences they were gradually introduced to in the classroom. In fact, studies show that struggle with multiple representations (here, visual, verbal, physical) help students develop deeper understanding of atomic structures (Corradi et al. 2015) and retain the concept for longer periods (Taber 2005).

Indeed, productive struggle is especially relevant in giving the students of flavour of learning one structure only to realize its flaws and thereby moving on to the next structural configuration, thereby inculcating in them skills of scientific problem recognition and a zeal for solving the same.


Billings, Elsa and Walqui, Aída. “Zone of Proximal Development: An Affirmative Perspective in Teaching ELLs” https://www.wested.org/resources/zone-of-proximal-development/#:~:text=The%20Zone%20of%20Proximal%20Development,collaboration%20with%20more%20capable%20peers.

Bjork, Elizabeth L. and Bjork, Robert. 2009. “Making Things Hard on Yourself, But in a Good Way: Creating Desirable Difficulties to Enhance Learning.” In Psychology and the Real World, 56-64. https://bjorklab.psych.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/13/2016/04/EBjork_RBjork_2011.pdf

“Carol Dweck: A Summary of Growth and Fixed Mindsets.” https://fs.blog/carol-dweck-mindset/

Corradi, D., Elen, J., & Clarebout, G. 2012. “Understanding and Enhancing the Use of Multiple External Representations in Chemistry Education.” Journal of Chemical Education 89(12), 1541-1548. https://doi.org/10.1021/ed200808r

Taber, K. S. 2005. “Learning quanta: Barriers to stimulating transitions in student understanding of orbital ideas.” Science Education 89(1), 94-116. https://doi.org/10.1002/sce.20038

Williams, Dan. “The Importance of Cognitive Load Theory (CLT).” https://set.et-foundation.co.uk/resources/the-importance-of-cognitive-load-theory#:~:text=Cognitive%20Load%20Theory%20(CLT)%20%2D,learning%20(Sweller%2C%201988).

Yuriev, E., Naidu, S., Schembri, L. S., & Short, J. L. 2017. “Scaffolding the development of problem-solving skills in chemistry: guiding novice students out of dead ends and false starts.” Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 18(3), 486-504. https://doi.org/10.1039/C7RP00009J