Learning, Knowledge and Human Development MOOC’s Updates

5. Student Development (Denice Hood)

Media embedded April 14, 2018
Media embedded April 14, 2018

Comment: Denice Hood offers one example of application of educational psychology to counselling in college. What kinds of supplementary supports do learners need? What are the purposes, methods and roles of counselling psychologists as they address the needs of learners?

Make an Update: Identify and describe an educational conselling need or practice of interest or relevance to you.

  • Abdulaziz Albandar
  • Alessia Porazzi
  • Thaliya Thahseen U Thaliya
  • Thaliya Thahseen U Thaliya
  • Thaliya Thahseen U Thaliya
  • Yakubu Akogu
  • Arinda Brilian Tyaswari
  • Mary Cris Caballero Mary
  • Al Escobal
  • Al Escobal