Learning, Knowledge and Human Development MOOC’s Updates

Educational Psychology: Attaining Productive Struggle in learning

Educational Psychology is a branch of Psychology that deals with human development and learning processes. Learning is supposed to be a process that stimulates and activates the learner's mind. This is where the Productive Struggle comes into play. According to George Reese, answers should not just go into learning; there should be boundaries to the information provided by the teacher to the students. For different classes, there should be a level of struggle (might be a level of difficulty in assignments) in learning. This will enhance the initiative capacity of the learner. The work should not be too easy (the teacher should not do everything for the student) and should not be too difficult (the teacher should not keep necessary information that aids learning).

I believe the teacher should give the student a clue or hint of the lesson like a scaffold and let the student figure out the remaining part of the lesson at their intellectual level. Giving them everything and making them just watch you talk, would discourage active participation, self-reliance, taking initiative, problem-solving skills, collaboration and so on in the learner. So, Educational Psychology deals with how well teachers and learners can integrate these parts into a modified whole which is the product of the struggle the learner engaged in.
This struggle might be in the form of a puzzled or coded question or problem or answer, where the learner tries to solve the puzzle using different methods and fails until he eventually gets the right one. This would have helped the learner understand all those failed methods better, when to use them and when not to. It would also reveal the method that fits to solve the puzzle. This must have been after many assumptions, and attempts among others.

Productive Struggle is a style of learning that should be given more attention as it is a scheme that moderates the teacher's efforts and maximizes the potential of the students.