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  • JacobBarriga

    Jacob Barriga commented on How did Thomas Paine Use Rhetoric to Enhance His Argument?...

    Nathan is there a way possible for people that aren't apart of the family to be king? As well as i think that the man should help each other to separate from the crown to be better on their own.

  • Nathan Paredes

    Nathan Paredes has one new peer:

  • Jacob Barriga

    Jacob Barriga posted a new update…

    Give me Liberty or Dive me Death Rhetoric Response

    Patrcick Henry made his his speech adressing then problems with Britian. He used rehotic phrases to enhance his speech by adressing problems hoe Britain is using them like slaves, when he said, " They are sent over to bind and rivet upon us those ch...More

  • Ricky Martinez-Amador

    Ricky Martinez-Amador posted a new update…

    Common Sense

    I believe that Thomas Paine, in Common Sense uses rhetoric convince the colonist to that being ruled under Britain is bad thing for the denial of liberty and the economic depression they have. He believes that they need to separate because they are...More

  • DanielUrena Del Rio

    Daniel Urena Del Rio commented on Give Me Libery or Give Me Death Rhetoric...

    Make sure you review your spelling before submitting a response. In the Olive Branch Petition(My document), the biggest difference was the tone of language the author's used. It seems like Give me Liberty or Give me Death was very explicit with...More

  • Seema Lal

    Seema Lal posted a new update…

    Give Me Libery or Give Me Death Rhetoric

    Patrick Henry uses rhetoric when comparing the colonists as slaves being treated poorly by the British. In his statement he says "They are sent over to bind and rivet upon those chains which the British ministry have been so long forging" He also us...More

  • Mickayla BlakeMickaykay

    Mickayla Blake Mickaykay commented on "Give me Liberty or Give me Death" Rhetoric...

    In my eyes, there is one clear similarity and one clear difference between the 'Olive Branch Petition' and 'Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death'. In both documents, one of the main points is to show that the colonists want their independence from...More

  • Seema Lal

    Seema Lal three new peers:

  • Jacob Barriga

    Jacob Barriga three new peers:

  • Briant Avalos-Franco

    Briant Avalos-Franco posted a new update…

    "Give me Liberty or Give me Death" Rhetoric

    Patrick Henry uses rhetoric to demonstrate how he would much rather have death than to not have liberty. In the document, Henry stresses that not having freedom is no bueno. He also stresses the consequences on reconciliation. One quote would be "Gi...More

  • Andres Chavez .

    Andres Chavez . posted a new update…

    Common Sense Rhetoric

    The Author of Common Sense uses rhetoric in such a way that it is sort of not noticeable. His words have such a flow that they seem like an art. He uses many words and pronouns, for example, the word She to refer to the countries that he is talking...More

  • Daniel Urena Del Rio

    Daniel Urena Del Rio posted a new update…

    Rhetoric of the Olive Branch Petition

    The author of the Olive Branch Petition used selective wording to not sound impolite. Their language was generally positve towards Britain's king. "We think ourselves required by indispensable obligations to Almighty God, to your Majesty, to our fel...More

  • Mickayla Blake Mickaykay

    Mickayla Blake Mickaykay posted a new update…

    The Olive Branch Petition

    My group was assigned to read and annotate "The Olive Branch Petition", written by John Dickson. This document was the colonists' first step to try and make peace with Great Britain. THroughout the document, John Dickson uses rhetoric to enhance his...More

  • Nathan Paredes

    Nathan Paredes posted a new update…

    How did Thomas Paine Use Rhetoric to Enhance His Argument?

    In "Common Sense" Paine uses rhetoric by bringing light the ideas created by the people that were already beginning to rise to the surface. An example of this is how he talks about how no one has the right to make their family higher ranked than an...More

  • JacobShoemaker

    Jacob Shoemaker commented on Causes of the Revolutionary War...

    What is the larger connection to government, Briant? Where would the colonists go from here when they started to think about establishing a new government? Be sure to address the prompt directly.