Ricky Martinez-Amador’s Updates

Common Sense

I believe that Thomas Paine, in Common Sense uses rhetoric convince the colonist to that being ruled under Britain is bad thing for the denial of liberty and the economic depression they have. He believes that they need to separate because they are not on equal terms with Britain and that is bad. He writes, “Volumes have been written on the subject of the struggles between England and America...but all have been ineffectual”(Paine, Paragraph 11). The colonist have tried repeatedly but England does not want to give them what they want. He also uses rhetoric to state how the economy is being held back by the British. He writes, “the trade of America goes to ruin, because of her connection with Britain”(Paine, paragraph 19). He believe that the economy they have is not at its full potential due to the connection with Britain.


  • Jesse Mateo