Jasmin Lopez-Nava’s Updates

  • Olive Branch Petition

    In the Olive Branch Petition, the author uses very formal lanuage to show that the colonist wanted peace from the king and not the british. A quotation would be "the most glorious and advantagious that ever had been carried on my British arms...exer...More

  • Purpose of the Olive Branch Petition

    The purpose of the Olive Branch Petition was to declare of the rights of the colonists while maintaining loyalty to the British. King George refused to read the Olive Branch Petition but then decided to reject the petition. Common Sense was to be th...More

  • Cause of the Revolutionary war

    The Colonists were very concerned about one cause from the revolutionary war called The Boston Massacre, which was when a snowball fight between bostonians and british turned into an armed battle. This fight caused many people to be injured and 5 we...More