Daniel Urena Del Rio’s Updates

  • Rhetoric of the Olive Branch Petition

    The author of the Olive Branch Petition used selective wording to not sound impolite. Their language was generally positve towards Britain's king. "We think ourselves required by indispensable obligations to Almighty God, to your Majesty, to our fel...More

  • Common Sense and The Olive Branch Petition

    In Common sense by Thomas Paine expresses different sentiments from the "Olive Branch Petition". The "Olive Branch Petition" expresses a treaty between two countries. It was a way for colonists to declare their indepence from England. Unfornately fo...More

  • A Cause of the Revolutionary War

    The Stamp Act was a way for Parliament to raise money. It was a direct tax imposed on books, newspapers, official court papers, and other important documents. The majority of colonists were outraged by the Stamp Act. A reason they immigrated to Amer...More