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How did Thomas Paine Use Rhetoric to Enhance His Argument?

In "Common Sense" Paine uses rhetoric by bringing light the ideas created by the people that were already beginning to rise to the surface. An example of this is how he talks about how no one has the right to make their family higher ranked than an another because we are all created as equals. Paine wrote "... For all men being originally equals, no one by birth could have a right to set up his own family in perpetual preference to all others for ever" (Thomas Paine). He is talking about hereditary succession and how kings believe they are able to pass down power because they are "better" than others. He also uses rhetoric to targeting and trying to spark a revolutionary mindset by making the people feel obligated to listen and to put a certain responsibility over them. He wrote "O ye that love mankind! Ye that dare oppose, not only the tyranny but the tyrant stand fort!" (Thomas Paine) He calls to "ye that love mankind" saying that anyone who cares for the people will stand with him to help go against the king and to separate from the British Crown.

  • Jacob Barriga