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The Olive Branch Petition

My group was assigned to read and annotate "The Olive Branch Petition", written by John Dickson. This document was the colonists' first step to try and make peace with Great Britain. THroughout the document, John Dickson uses rhetoric to enhance his arguement by "sucking up" to the King and the government he works under. One example of him doing so is, "That your Majesty may enjoy a long and prosperous reign, and thoat your descendants may govern your dominions with your honor to themselves and happiness to their subjects is our sincere and fervent prayer" (Dickson 12). Another example of this happening again is, "...to Almighty God, to your Majesty, to our fellow subjects, and to ourselves..."(Dickson 8). In both quotaions, the colonists are using fancy words to try to get on the King's good side, hoping that he will change the laws to something much more reasonable.

  • Ashli Gibson