Andreya Dart’s Updates

Week 2 Journal

This week's lecture was very eye opening for me. I knew that life expectancy and living conditions in underdeveloped communities were harsh, but I did not know that they were this bad. The biggest shocker to me, was what I wrote my report about: life expectancy. It isn't conceivable to me that in Sierra Leone, the probability of dying between 15 and 49 from maternal related causes is over 50 percent. In the United States, that probability is 1 percent. If I lived in Sierra Leone and became pregnant, I would be terrified. It's almost like pregnancy is a death sentence there. I can't imagine that there are readily available forms of birth control in Sierra Leone, too, even though clinics are increasing. I also can't imagine living somewhere where the chance you die before you turn 15 is over 50 percent. How can some parts of the world have that much of a difference in life? I have never known anyone to die before 15 or die from childbirth, where I'm sure people from Sierra Leone know many who have. I don't know if their attitude towards death is different because of this. There has to be something to fix these death rates in underdevolped countries, whether that be new technology or cheap medicine.