Priya Trivedi’s Updates

Week 3 : Journal

I really enjoyed this week’s lecture and discussion. I found that watching the video put into perspective how much difference medical devices can actually make. For my discussion post I wanted to do research about the impact of mosquito nets. As such a simple device these can have a huge preventative measure in the spread of malaria. Many illnesses are spread through mosquitos and developing countries do not have the vaccines or the technology to help, however a device as simple as a mosquito net can make a huge difference.  

I also felt that this weeks discussion was very engaging with different students perspectives about what medical devices can make large impacts in the developing countries. I found that some of the discussion on simple tools like glasses and x-ray machines made a lot of sense. These are tools that are not very costly, but can still make a large difference in clinics that do not have many resources. I think that this lecture brought to light the importance of providing enough basic care to hospital and medical facilities around the world. There are many medical cases that can simply be avoided with having access to the basic technology. I feel that if enough people were educated there are ways to be able to raise money to fund projects that can get the right equipment and devices to the people in need. Along with that education in the developing countries themselves can also make a major impact as they will know how to use the technology more efficiently. This lecture provided a lot of awareness to some of the very critical issues that are currently occurring with medical needs of developing countries.