Priya Trivedi’s Updates

Week 6 Journal:

I’ve really enjoyed this past week as so many of the concepts that we have been talking about through the lectures and the assignments are finally coming together. I think that the idea of pretotyping is a really valuable concept, this was an idea that I was originally unfamiliar with. Watching the TED talk from the lecture gave a really good idea on how the fast paced experimental thinking could really be beneficial when coming up with a new idea. I look forward to continuing my final project using some of the concepts that were discussed in the TED talk.

I think that there are so many potential product ideas that exist, there are endless ways to improve upon them and make really useful technologies that can benefit a lot of people. The people pf developing countries like Sierra Leone that we have been talking about will really be able to make use of cost efficient and functional products. These can assist with their medical needs as well as just improve the overall lifestyle of the individuals as well as the children who are currently living with so many difficulties and challenges. I think that this week and next week will continue to build upon the ideas we have talked about, and planning our own approach will really be beneficial to develop the a stronger way about thinking about the differences we can make.