Priya Trivedi’s Updates

  • Week 8 Journal

    This last week of the semester has really put together all the information and knowledge that we have been focusing on. I think by learning about the market feasibility as well as the build feasibility were the last two steps in understanding how to...More

  • Week 7 Journal

    Reading this week’s article in the New Yorker about the various technologies that have brought into developing countries was very insightful, it is not always easy to realize how long it takes for an idea to take root and begin to be useful for many...More

  • Week 6 Journal:

    I’ve really enjoyed this past week as so many of the concepts that we have been talking about through the lectures and the assignments are finally coming together. I think that the idea of pretotyping is a really valuable concept, this was an idea t...More

  • Week 5: Journal

    I found that that Week 5 was a very interesting week because we were able to go even in more depth into the needs of the people who have access to different clinics. I liked building on last week’s assignment by breaking down the users and needs fur...More

  • Week 4: Journal

    I found this this week’s lecture and discussion to be very interesting. The videos showed the similarities and differences in clinics, here in the United States and in Sierra Leone. Although there were several standout differences in the types of te...More

  • Week 3 : Journal

    I really enjoyed this week’s lecture and discussion. I found that watching the video put into perspective how much difference medical devices can actually make. For my discussion post I wanted to do research about the impact of mosquito nets. As suc...More

  • Week 2: Journal

    I think that week 2 of ENG 298 has been a really productive week. I think that this week’s homework was a way to get a better understanding on real problems that are being faced by developing countries. Comparing that to the United States, we were a...More

  • Week 1: Journal

    I think that Week 1 of ENG 298 has been a great learning opportunity, I found Scholar to be a bit confusing to start out with however I think that using it more definitely made it easier to work with. I like the concept of being able to interact wit...More

  • Self-Introduction: Priya Trivedi

    Hi Everyone, 

    Sorry for the late response, I just added this course!

    My name is Priya Trivedi, I am a senior studying Economics and Computer Science. I am from Cupertino, California. Coming to the University of Illinois has been a great experience...More