Priya Trivedi’s Updates

Week 7 Journal

Reading this week’s article in the New Yorker about the various technologies that have brought into developing countries was very insightful, it is not always easy to realize how long it takes for an idea to take root and begin to be useful for many people. I think that this is something that occurs for many technologies, there is a time period that it takes for the ideology and use to spread.

When thinking about this in terms of our previous lectures and assignments, I think that this gave perspective into how new medical technologies work. Even when a product is designed, there is still a certain amount of time that it will take before people begin to understand all of its functionality. Another thing that is important to keep in mind is the educational level of the target market. The New Yorker article from this week showed how many developing countries struggled with the newer technologies because the medical professionals and families were not educated enough to know how to use some of the solutions. I think that it is important to use what we learned this week for our own ideas, and as well as just a fact to keep in mind. While it is exciting to develop  a new product, it is important to know how much time it will take to become really successful in your target market.