Priya Trivedi’s Updates

Week 4: Journal

I found this this week’s lecture and discussion to be very interesting. The videos showed the similarities and differences in clinics, here in the United States and in Sierra Leone. Although there were several standout differences in the types of technologies that are available, there were also similarities such as the type of care that the clinics were trying to provide to their patients. There are many organizations that are working on how to provide better health care to areas that need it most. Knowing that the cost of medical technolgies is decreasing is promising, I feel that the next step would be providing a high level of education to people who provide medical services. 

I think that the with the expansion of technologies it is possible that many of the developing counties will be able to soon have cost efficient technologies that will be able to provide their communities with even better health care. I think that the most important point to be learned by watching these videos is education. Knowing about the situations is the best way to provide help for the places that need it. I think that the lectures and assignment this week did exactly that by being able to make us all more aware.