Promit Dey’s Updates

Week 1 Journal

This week I learned about the differences between communicable and non-communicable diseases and their impacts on different parts of the world. I learned that communicable diseases are more prevalent in developing regions such as Africa and Asia, and non-communicable diseases cause more deaths than communicable diseases in developed regions such as North America and Europe. We also learned about the term Global Health and how it includes cultural, social, and economic factors. Global Health is also an interdisciplinary field that combines social sciences, behavioral sciences, law, economics, engineering, environmental sciences, and agriculture. I also learned about the determinants of health, and how the WHO uses a number of statistics such as the infant mortality rate to determine the health status of a region. Our assignment for this week made us take a deeper look into what makes something communicable or not. It was interesting to think about and explain why things such as physical activity can be communicable between individuals. It was also interesting to read everyone else’s opinions on which one of the “diseases” are communicable or not. The content of the class so far is interesting to me because it pertains to real life issues, and I hope we take a deeper look into health issues in regions such as West Africa.