Promit Dey’s Updates

  • Week 8 Journal

    This week we learned about both build and market feasibility of a medical device. In the lecture we learned about the barriers to developing and adapting technologies for global health purposes. We also looked at a diagram that described the feasibi...More

  • Week 7 Journal

    This week we learned about what makes good ideas stick and what makes good ideas stall. We learned about William Morton and his discovery and demonstration of anesthesia, and how it quickly spread throughout the medical community. This was an exampl...More

  • Week 6 Journal

    This week we learned about the term pretotyping and the process of pretotyping and prototyping an idea into a product. Before this week, I never even heard of the term pretotyping, but I understand it much better now. The video that we watched in th...More

  • Week 5 Journal

    This week we re-examined the Human-Centered Design approach and how to implement it in a real world setting. We learned about Ethnography, which is the study of humans in their natural habitat, and how it relates to observing needs. Ethnography is u...More

  • Week 4 Journal

    This week I learned about human-centered design and its application to medical technology. Human-centered design is basically an approach to design that focuses on understanding needs and finding solutions for those needs. Those solutions also need...More

  • Week 3 Journal

    This week I learned about medical technology and devices in the healthcare settings of high-resourced nations and low-resourced nations. I was surprised by how much costs are involved with an operation room in the US and how even disposable surgical...More

  • Week 2 Journal


    So far I have been enjoying the style of this course, even though it’s really different from any course I’ve taken before. This is the first online class I’ve taken so I’m not really accustomed to not actually sitting in a lecture. I find it help...More

  • Week 1 Journal

    This week I learned about the differences between communicable and non-communicable diseases and their impacts on different parts of the world. I learned that communicable diseases are more prevalent in developing regions such as Africa and Asia, an...More