Kuan Lo’s Updates

Week 3 Update- Kuan Lo

In the section of the VandeVoort article about functional analysis, the discussion revolves around two big ideas: etiology and teleology. Now, before you get lost in those fancy words, let's break it down. Etiology is all about the causes of things, like why something happens or where it comes from. Imagine your phone suddenly stops working. The etiology of this could be a dead battery or a software glitch.

On the other hand, teleology is more about purpose or function. It’s like asking, "What's the point?" So, if we go back to the phone example, the teleology might be to make calls, take photos, or send messages.

The cool thing is, these ideas aren’t just for phones; they’re used in psychology too. Functional analysis looks at why we do what we do (etiology) and what purpose it serves (teleology). For example, if someone always checks their phone when they feel anxious, the etiology might be that they’re seeking comfort. The teleology? Well, it's a coping mechanism to ease anxiety.

Understanding both etiology and teleology helps psychologists figure out why people behave the way they do and how to help them. It’s like being a detective, but for the mind!