Kuan Lo’s Updates

Week 9 Update- Kuan Lo

In today's update, we delve into the fascinating realm of shared leadership within self-managed teams. As we explore this topic, we'll address some critical questions and considerations raised by recent literature.

Functional Diversity in Self-Managed Teams:

Functional diversity refers to the variety of skills, knowledge, and expertise within a team. In self-managed teams, where traditional hierarchical structures are replaced with shared decision-making, functional diversity plays a crucial role. A diverse range of skills ensures that teams can tackle complex problems from multiple angles and innovate effectively.

Impact of Functional Diversity vs. Diversity Attributes:

While attributes like ethnicity and gender diversity are important, functional diversity directly impacts a team's ability to perform tasks and achieve goals. However, it's essential to recognize that biases based on ethnicity and gender can still influence interactions within the team, potentially hindering shared leadership.

Overcoming Biases in Self-Managed Teams:

To truly embrace shared leadership, self-managed teams must actively address biases. This involves fostering an inclusive environment where all voices are heard, regardless of background or identity. Team members should undergo training to recognize and mitigate unconscious biases, promoting fair decision-making and collaboration.

Shared Leadership: A Possibility?

Despite potential biases, shared leadership is indeed achievable in self-managed teams. By prioritizing functional diversity and fostering an inclusive culture, teams can leverage the strengths of all members and distribute leadership responsibilities effectively.