Kuan Lo’s Updates

Week 5 Update- Kuan Lo

In the article by Pafford and Schaefer, the "Work-Life Balance" section sheds light on how women in business navigate the delicate balance between professional leadership and family responsibilities. When women strive to balance career and family, their leadership qualities can be both positively and negatively affected. On one hand, managing family responsibilities can enhance traits like empathy, adaptability, and multitasking, making them more empathetic and understanding leaders. However, the demands of family life can also detract from time and energy available for career development, potentially hindering their leadership growth in traditional business settings.


Organizations that recognize the value of women balancing home and work are actively supporting the development of strong and empathetic leaders. By implementing flexible work arrangements, providing parental leave, and promoting inclusive workplace cultures, these organizations empower women to thrive both personally and professionally. As a result, women are better equipped to lead with empathy, resilience, and understanding.


This kind of leadership benefits small groups by fostering a supportive and inclusive environment. Leaders who have experience balancing work and family responsibilities tend to be more understanding and accommodating of their team members' needs. They prioritize work-life balance, encourage open communication, and promote a culture of mutual respect and support. Ultimately, this creates a stronger, more cohesive team that is better equipped to overcome challenges and achieve shared goals.

Media embedded May 1, 2024