Kuan Lo’s Updates

Week 8 Update- Kuan Lo

Agreeableness and Communication: Agreeableness, a personality trait characterized by kindness, cooperation, and empathy, plays a crucial role in team dynamics. Individuals high in agreeableness tend to communicate more openly, contribute positively to discussions, and foster a supportive team environment.

Media Richness and Communication: The concept of "media richness" refers to how much face-to-face interaction occurs in communication. Richer media, like face-to-face meetings, allow for more nuanced communication with cues like facial expressions and tone of voice, fostering greater understanding and agreement among team members.

Virtual vs. Face-to-Face Interaction: Virtual team contact, while convenient, may lack the richness of face-to-face interaction, potentially affecting agreeableness and communication. Face-to-face contact fosters stronger rapport and empathy, enhancing agreeableness and promoting better teamwork.

Personal Reflection: In my own team experience, I've noticed that agreeableness positively impacts our collaboration. Team members who exhibit agreeable traits tend to communicate openly, listen actively, and resolve conflicts constructively. However, I've observed that face-to-face interaction enhances our sense of camaraderie and trust, leading to more effective communication and cooperation.