Kuan Lo’s Updates

  • Week 4 Update- Kuan Lo

    Balancing Leadership Styles: In a small group with both strong and empathetic leaders, I foresee a harmonious and productive environment. Strong leaders are typically goal-oriented, decisive, and focused on driving results. They provide clear direct...More

  • Week 5 Update- Kuan Lo

    In the article by Pafford and Schaefer, the "Work-Life Balance" section sheds light on how women in business navigate the delicate balance between professional leadership and family responsibilities. When women strive to balance career and family, t...More

  • Week 6 Update- Kuan Lo

    This update emphasizes the intricate nature of communication, including both verbal and nonverbal cues, within small groups. One key takeaway is the significance of unspoken communication in shaping group dynamics. Often, our body language, tone, an...More

  • Week 8 Update- Kuan Lo

    Agreeableness and Communication: Agreeableness, a personality trait characterized by kindness, cooperation, and empathy, plays a crucial role in team dynamics. Individuals high in agreeableness tend to communicate more openly, contribute positively...More

  • Week 9 Update- Kuan Lo

    In today's update, we delve into the fascinating realm of shared leadership within self-managed teams. As we explore this topic, we'll address some critical questions and considerations raised by recent literature

    Functional Diversity in Self-...More

  • Week 7 Update- Kuan Lo

    Today, let's delve into the dynamics of romantic relationships in MMOGs, as highlighted by Bergstrom research

    Romantic connections in MMOGs can significantly impact small group interactions. While they may enhance cooperation and communication...More

  • Week 10 Update

    For my community update, I want to shed light on the intriguing concepts of etiology and teleology discussed in the VandeVoort article, particularly in the context of functional analysis. These terms might sound complex, but let's break them down in...More

  • Week 3 Update- Kuan Lo

    In the section of the VandeVoort article about functional analysis, the discussion revolves around two big ideas: etiology and teleology. Now, before you get lost in those fancy words, let's break it down. Etiology is all about the causes of things,...More

  • Week 2 Update- Kuan Lo

    Media embedded April 30, 2024

    Recent research has unveiled some fascinating insights into how children can enhance their vocabulary skills through small group learning sessions. A study conducted on a group of children showed significant imp...More