Danish Noorani’s Updates

  • Week 8 Journal

    This week, I learned most through doing the assignment. Part of the reason being that market and build feasibility are inutuitve concepts. When your building a project, you natural think about the cost of building it and whether people you are targe...More

  • Week 7 Journal

    The lessons of this week came at a time where the substance of the lectures resonated with me. I am currently interning at a start up and I was discussing with a fellow employee about a meeting with a potential customer. He was explaining to me that...More

  • Week 6 Journal

    This week I got to go through the process of designing a pretotype and a process of testing it. I found it very enlightening. Usually when you think about creating a prototype, you try to get the a really good mockup of the product and let people ev...More

  • Week 5 Journal

    This week was super interesting to me. I gained useful insight into how to identify and describe a need. However, coming into the week, I had a notion that I know how to describe a need. I had a belief that all you have to do is just observe and y...More

  • Week 4 Journal

    This week was a reminder to me on far we still have to come in this world.  Seeing the clinic in Sierra Leone was not a surprise to me. I knew that clinics in developing world weren't very technological advanced. However, there was something about s...More

  • Week 3 Journal

    Before this week, I was not very aware of healthcare technologies. Throughout the week, I slowly realized that we are surrounded by health care technologies. Of course, there are numerous devices in hospitals that make sure the patient is stable and...More

  • Week 2 Journal

    This week, the lectures and the homework made me think on what causes the disparities between developed and undeveloped countries. Everyone knows that the United States has a lower malnutrition rates than the impoverished countries in Africa, but fo...More

  • Week 1 Reflection

    This week, I learned a lot from the discussion. I had never thought that something like automobile health could be communicable. However, as I thought about it critically and discussed it with my classmates, I learned that most things in a person's...More

  • Week 1: Danish Noorani

    A bacteria spewing from one person's cough and landing onto another person's body is a picture that comes to mind when imagining communicable diseases. It is harder to claim non-tangible things, such as a person's accent, are communicable as it is i...More

  • Introduction: Danish Noorani

    Hi, my name is Danish Noorani. I was born and raised in Chicago. I am a Junior at UIUC studying Computer Science -- especially intrigued by algorithms and machine learning. In my free time I like trying new dishes, walking around the city, and pract...More