Danish Noorani’s Updates

Week 1 Reflection

This week, I learned a lot from the discussion. I had never thought that something like automobile health could be communicable. However, as I thought about it critically and discussed it with my classmates, I learned that most things in a person's life are communicable. The reason being that are habits strongly influenced by the people around us and most things in life are influenced by our habits.

As I realized this, I realized how powerful the concept of communicability is. It can be very daunting to think about eradicating smoking from an entire community.  Using the concept of communicability, we can think of problems in more micro terms. If we can change the habit of few people, that can affect a few more people. With the right management and patience, it is possible to get more desired outcomes on macro-level using communicability.

I think this concept also applies on a more personal level. We often think that we want to change the world. We want to eliminate violence from our community. However, thinking in these grand terms, we get lost in even where to start.  However, if we think about it, just implementing the change in our self the change can go along way. Our changes can then influence our family which then influence the friends of our family members and so on. It relates to the popular saying:  change your self to change the world.