Danish Noorani’s Updates

Week 6 Journal

This week I got to go through the process of designing a pretotype and a process of testing it. I found it very enlightening. Usually when you think about creating a prototype, you try to get the a really good mockup of the product and let people evaluate it. Everything is about evaluating the product. However, no one really thinks about evaluating the process by which you prototype.

I learned that there are interesting nuances in designing a process by which you can evaluate a product.  For example, how do you create a process by which you can quickly reorganize if the product is not like. Meaning how can you make the process efficient in the case that your product  is not liked because there is a high probability that you will not hit it out of the park in your first try. How can you make it so that even though the product is not liked, your not back at square one. That your process is in tune with quickly reiterating with the feedback received.

Ultimately what I will take away from this week is the importance to be aware of the process by which you begin creating your product. I have interned at a couple startups before and a lot of the emphasis is on creating the products. However, not a lot of attention is paid to if the customers actually want the product. Even if the product is tested with a prototype, there is not much thought put into what will be the next steps if the product gets bad reviews.

Making product is in a way analogous to life. Meaning everyone and everything eventually fails. However, what is important is how you react to those failures. How fast you learn from the failures and how fast you can put what you have learned into action.