Danish Noorani’s Updates

Week 1: Danish Noorani

A bacteria spewing from one person's cough and landing onto another person's body is a picture that comes to mind when imagining communicable diseases. It is harder to claim non-tangible things, such as a person's accent, are communicable as it is impossible to observe their direct transfer from person to person. Innately though, we all know that the environment we live in slowly changes the way we speak.

 In the same manner as a person's accent can change based on his/her environment, I believe dietary changes, physical activity, automobile issues, smoking, stress and urbanization are also communicable. For example, most children’s diets are directly influenced by their parents' diet. Once they grow up, they are more likely to try something to eat if they are exposed to them through their friends. Thus, a person’s diet is influenced by the people around him. A similar argument can be made for all the other subjects beings discussed.

Still, it is important to discuss in what manner are they communicable. Usually, when we think of a communicable disease, the transfer is instant and the symptoms begin to appear within a day or even within a few weeks.  However, for the factors being discussed the transfer is in most cases long term. A person will probably not change his diet or take care of his car better if he just observes one instance of his friend eating a food he has never tried before or a friend changing his car's oil on time. However, he will probably adopt a habit of eating salad if every time he goes out with his friends they all order salad. The subjects being discussed are communicable, but involve a longer term and non-direct transfer.

Another thing to note is that in communicable diseases, the transfer of one bacteria from one body to another, does not rely on your relationship with another person. You could just as easily get germs from a handshake with a person at work compared to handshake with your mom.  The factors being discussed, though, are highly dependent on people's relationships. Your parent or best friend telling you to better take of your car, probably has more effect on you better taking care of your car, then a stranger advising you.

I believe all the subjects being discussed are communicable on micro-level (person to person) and eventually on a macro-level (community to community). It leads to exciting opportunities in subjects like Global Health or even on a more personal level. Changing the diet of an entire community is a daunting task.  Changing the diet of a few people is not as difficult. Those people can affect a few more and so on. With the right management and patience, it is possible to get more desired outcomes on macro-level as a result of communicability.