Danish Noorani’s Updates

Introduction: Danish Noorani

Hi, my name is Danish Noorani. I was born and raised in Chicago. I am a Junior at UIUC studying Computer Science -- especially intrigued by algorithms and machine learning. In my free time I like trying new dishes, walking around the city, and practicing meditation.

This semester, I am doing an internship at a startup in San Francisco, and also taking online courses to fulfill my gen eds. My uncle also works for WHO so I have always been curious about global health from an early age. Thus, the course is an ideal choice given my circumstances.  I hope by the end of the course to become more informed on the issues of Global Health. 

One of my favorite innovations is the self driving car. I know it has not come out yet, but I believe it will have an enormous impact when it is released in a couple of years. It has the potential to ease the life of countless individuals who for medical or emotional reasons do not currently drive. 

  • Khurram Ghullamani
  • Kara Leslie