Learning, Knowledge and Human Development MOOC’s Updates

Learner Supplementary Support needed, alongside purposes, methods and roles of Counseling Psychologists they address needs of learners


Academic Assistance:

Tutoring services for difficult courses.

Workshops on study skills can improve learning processes.

Training on time management and organizational skills.

Psychological Assistance:

Counseling services for handling emotional difficulties, tension, and worry.

Peer support groups for pupils dealing with comparable problems.

Workshops on coping strategies and emotional fortitude.

Career Counseling:

Students can explore and select appropriate career pathways with the aid of career counseling.

Services for job placement and internships.

Workshops on networking, interview techniques, and resume construction.

Resources and Technology:

Availability of internet resources and educational technology.

Instruction on leveraging digital technologies to succeed academically.

Resources from libraries and help with research.


Purposes, Methods, and Roles of Counseling Psychologists


Counseling psychologists work with people to improve their emotional, social, academic, and professional well-being.

They support the growth of resilience and coping strategies.



Individual counseling: private consultations to discuss personal issues.

Group counseling: Assembling people facing comparable issues for mutual assistance.

Evaluation and assessment: Using testing and evaluation instruments to determine educational and psychological needs.

Psychoeducation is the provision of knowledge and direction on coping mechanisms, mental health, and personal growth.


Counseling: Offering therapeutic methods to assist people in overcoming obstacles and achieving their academic and personal objectives.

Evaluation: Determining and evaluating educational and psychological problems in order to guide therapy strategies.

Consultation: Working together with other experts, including educators and administrators, to promote students' general wellbeing.

Prevention and Intervention: Developing and putting into action plans to stop mental health problems before they arise and to act when necessary.



Given my role as a community development officer in the remote rural areas of Kgalagadi in Botswana, where challenges such as poverty, limited economic activity, alcohol abuse, teenage pregnancy, and HIV/AIDS are prevalent, there are various educational counseling needs and practices that are of interest and relevance to me.


Livelihood Skills Training:

Educational counseling programs could focus on providing community members with practical skills related to sustainable farming practices, livestock management, and alternative income-generating activities.

Entrepreneurship and Financial Literacy:

Counseling initiatives could help community members develop entrepreneurial skills, understand basic financial concepts, and explore opportunities for small businesses or cooperatives to improve economic conditions.

Health Education and Awareness:

Educational counseling efforts could address health-related issues, such as conducting workshops on HIV/AIDS prevention, sexual health, and family planning to combat teenage pregnancy and promote overall community well-being.

Substance Abuse Prevention:

Counseling programs could be designed to raise awareness about the risks of alcohol abuse and provide support services for individuals and families dealing with addiction issues.


Community Support Groups:

Establishing counseling support groups that provide a platform for community members to share experiences, discuss challenges, and provide mutual support in addressing common issues.

Skill Development Workshops:

Conducting workshops on practical skills such as water conservation, sustainable agriculture, and animal husbandry to enhance the community's capacity for self-sufficiency.

Counseling for Trauma and Mental Health:

Addressing the psychological impact of poverty, substance abuse, and health issues by offering counseling services that focus on mental health, coping mechanisms, and resilience.

Education on Government Resources:

Counseling sessions to inform community members about available government resources, social welfare programs, and how to access financial support or grants for community development projects.

In this context, educational counseling plays a crucial role in empowering the community to overcome various challenges, fostering resilience, and promoting sustainable development in the face of economic hardship and social issues. It's about equipping community members with the knowledge, skills, and support systems needed to uplift themselves and their communities.




"Educational Psychology" by Anita Woolfolk

"Theories of Human Learning: What the Professor Said" by Guy R. Lefrancois

"Counseling Psychology" by Charles Gelso and Bruce R. Fretz

"The Handbook of Counseling Psychology" edited by Steven D. Brown and Robert W. Lent

Journal of Educational Psychology

Educational Psychology Review

Contemporary Educational Psychology

  • Thaliya Thahseen U Thaliya
  • Thaliya Thahseen U Thaliya